I figure since this is the first time I've offered this workshop, people might not know what to expect, and are dragging their feet about committing. But, I decided that I'm going to finish the plan and open registration next week; no matter the turnout, we are going to have a blast! I have been hard at work developing the activities and objectives of the trip and really just can't wait to hit the trail!
So, remember, as your thinking about it and talking it over with your friends, the purpose of the trip is not only to make art, but you'll gain a good foundation in backpacking basics, outdoor education, and a pretty righteous workout! I'm confident you've never had an experience quite like this, and equally as confident that if you like fun, you'll be satisfied with our adventure!
The dates, duration, site location, and tuition information are being finalized and will be released later this week. Just so you have an idea, I am shooting for a two-day trip around the last couple days of July or the first couple days of August. From the feedback I got so far, it seems like most interested explorers will be around then...
So, stay tuned... And, please post comments, ideas, etc. It's easy to post; you just have to create a google account (if you don't already have one) and go. You don't have to create your own blog or a new email address.
This trip is going to be awesome-
this is gonna be awesome, i just need some solid dates cause i've got a family reunion from the 26th of july to the 2nd of august.
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